About Us

Welcome to the Undergraduate Teaching Labs (UGTL)

Classrooms, laboratories, and libraries stand as the cornerstone of the undergraduate learning experience, with experimental instruction playing a crucial role in shaping a comprehensive education. Our undergraduate teaching laboratories have curated an extensive collection of experimental projects to facilitate scientific exploration for students. The modern and comfortable laboratory settings, cutting-edge experimental equipment, smart multimedia resources, and innovative projects all contribute to immersing undergraduates in the excitement of scientific inquiry.

Operated with an approach similar to that of libraries, our undergraduate teaching laboratories employ a reservation system to manage access to experiments. This system accommodates mandatory experiments for specific courses, as well as a wide selection of elective and interest-driven experimental topics aimed at broadening students’ perspectives. Additionally, the labs offer booking services for workbenches and equipment. Undergraduates are encouraged to explore these opportunities further via the UGTL homepage, where they can schedule time in the labs using the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), diving deeper into the world of scientific inquiry.

Lab Services

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UGTL Lab Service Center serves as a hub for hands-on training, a haven for nurturing interests, and a spot worth frequenting for undergraduates.

The Phase I teaching labs at E3-L2, encompassing physics, chemistry, and biology laboratories, are open to all students, with further expansion underway at W2-L2, aiming for completion by fall 2025 to introduce more extensive facilities and diverse experimental content. Managed akin to library services, our undergraduate labs feature a reservation system through the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), accommodating both mandatory and elective experiments to enhance students’ scientific exploration. This initiative encourages undergraduates to actively engage in a broader range of scientific inquiries and hands-on learning experiences, enriching their educational journey.