Electromagnetic Induction and Maglev

UFUG 1502
UFUG 1504


PL1 Einstein Lab


Zehao, Pan


Magnetic suspension technology is a typical electromechanical integration technology that integrates electromagnetics, electronic technology, control engineering, signal processing and dynamics. Take an example of maglev trains which operate process mainly includes two parts: suspension and drive. This experiment mainly introduces the suspension and its control.

This experiment presents the numerical solution approach to magnetic force analysis using the finite element method. By comparing test data with simulation results, the relationship between force and magnetic excitation current is studied.

For honor students, you will learn the PID control principles of magnetic levitation. By independently adjusting the P, I, and D parameters, you will understand the impact of each parameter on levitation control.


Electromagnetic Levitation Experiment Instrument, oscilloscopes, wires, etc.