Category: 2024 Fall

Protein detection using western blot

Posted by on 8.5.24 in Biology, Onsite, 2024 Fall

Location: Li Shizhen Lab Instructor: Junyu XU, Qi ZHANG Instructions: Learning the basic principle of western blot and performing an immunodetection of beta-actin. Equipment: Rocker shaker, ChemiDoc Imaging System Lab Manual: Protein detection using western blot

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Genotyping on ALDH2 using PCR

Posted by on 8.5.24 in Biology, Onsite, 2024 Fall

Location: Li Shizhen Lab Instructor: Junyu XU, Qi ZHANG Instructions: Learning the basic principle of PCR and using allele-specific PCR (ASPCR) to detect the genotype of ALDH2 gene (ALDH2*1 or ALDH2*2). Equipment: Thermal cycler, Horizontal electrophoresis systems, Gel image analysis system Lab Manual: Genotyping on ALDH2 using PCR

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Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in Water (Potassium Permanganate Method)

Posted by on 8.5.24 in Chemistry, Onsite, 2024 Fall

Location: CL 2 Mendeleev Lab Instructor: Yunjuan, Zhang Instructions: The level of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in water is one of the important indicators of water quality pollution. It is a parameter that is frequently measured in environmental protection and water quality control. COD refers to the milligrams of oxygen consumed when reducing substances in 1 liter of water are oxidized under specific conditions. Equipment: None

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Analysis of Structure of Sodium Chloride and Polystyrene Using X-Ray Diffration

Posted by on 8.5.24 in Chemistry, Onsite, 2024 Fall

Location: CL 1 Dalton Lab Instructor: Yunjuan, Zhang Instructions: In this experiment we will record the diffraction peaks of an ionic solid (sodium chloride) and an organic polymer (polystyrene) by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Analysis of the data provides insight to the nature of the compounds themselves. Equipment: XRD Manual Analysis of Structure of Sodium Chloride and Polystyrene Using X-Ray Diffration

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Determination of Relative Molecular Mass of Glucose by Freezing Point Depression Method

Posted by on 8.5.24 in Chemistry, Onsite, 2024 Fall

Location: CL 1 Dalton Lab Instructor: Yunjuan, Zhang Instructions: When a solute is dissolved in a solvent, the freezing point of the solvent decreases, which is one of the colligative properties of dilute solutions. The depression of the freezing point of a non-volatile and non-electrolyte dilute solution is directly proportional to the molal concentration of the solution. Equipment: Self-cooling Freezing Point Tester

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