Rules & Resources

Rules and Guidelines

Undergraduate Laboratory Student Conduct and Performance Regulations

Outline the requirements for student conduct and performance in the undergraduate laboratory to ensure a safe and effective learning environment.

Laboratory Safety Regulations

Ensure the well-being of all individuals working in the lab.

Emergency Procedures

Provide clear instructions on how to handle unexpectedsituations and maintain safety protocols during urgent incidents.

Guidelines for Reservations - LIMS

Help streamline the management of laboratory resourcesand ensure efficient utilization of instruments and equipment.


Content Creation Al Tools:

Additional tools besides ChatGpT help tudentscreate essays, reports, and other written materialsquickly and efficiently

SlideGen AI Tools:

Cutting-edge tool that leverages artificial intelligencetechnology to create professional and engagingPowerPoint presentations with ease

Creative Design AI Tools:

Efficiently generate innovative and unique design!with three specialized tools for creating word artediting videos, and adding subtitles.